Workers' Compensation

Our People

If you are an employer, insurance carrier, or third-party administrator who is in need of workers’ compensation defense, we can help. Our attorneys are experts in the field and will work closely with you to come up with a customized approach to help ensure all matters are resolved to your satisfaction.

Our Approach to Workers’ Compensation Defense

At Ritsema Law, we’ve been providing our clients with exceptional workers’ compensation defense for nearly 30 years. Our unparalleled success stems in part from our thorough understanding of the law, but also from our close collaboration with our clients and each other.

Unlike many firms, our approach to workers’ compensation cases is far from formulaic. In fact, our team meets regularly to exchange information, discuss cases, trade ideas, and talk about the latest news and developments in the field. We even host an annual conference to share our insights and thought leadership with clients and industry personnel. In doing so, we constantly draw from each other’s expertise and creativity to enhance our overall effectiveness and success. And it’s not just our attorneys who are part of these discussions. We also have two licensed nurses who provide evidence-based medical insight for your claims.

It’s because of this collaborative and customized approach that we’re able to form long-lasting relationships with our clients and become true partners with them. From helping establish workers’ compensation program procedures to serving as a resource in more informal matters, our team does far more than just litigate—we advise, guide and counsel in all things related to workers’ compensation.


We understand how important it is to work with an attorney who not only keeps your case and desired outcome in mind, but your personality and preferences as well. That’s why all of our attorneys will work closely with you to provide customized service and solutions that are unique to you and your workers’ compensation program.